
Selected Articles

"Enacting Buddha's Wisdom” (pdf*)
Originally published in BUDDHISMUS aktuell issue# 1/2010

"To Aim at the Vastness of Each Moment ” (pdf*)
Originally published in XEN 6 issue #7/2009

"Stepping into Here” (pdf*)
Originally published in BUDDHISMUS aktuell issue# 2/2007

"Nothing in the Universe is Hidden” (pdf*)
Originally published in BUDDHISMUS aktuell issue# 1/2006

"The Mind of Idleness” (pdf*)
Originally published in XEN 3 issue #7/2005

"Finding the True Dragon” (pdf*)
Originally published in XEN 2 issue #12/2004

Selected Lectures

"To Study the Self" (mp3 audio)
Introductory lecture from a seminar at Johanneshof, September 2006
English-German Simultaneous Translation

"Myriad Things Actualize the Self" (mp3 audio)
Lecture, Day 5, from a sesshin at Johanneshof, October 2006
English-German Simultaneous Translation

"Each Thing is its Own Point of Reference" (mp3 audio)
Lecture, Day 6, from a sesshin at Johanneshof, May 2007
English-German Simultaneous Translation

*documents marked as "pdf" will open in a new window if single-clicked. To download this document, please right-click and choose the option to download. For more detailed instructions on PDFs - click here.